Before we ever started this mornng, I managed to turn on the gas stove without noticing, setting off the CO2 alarm. Cary was up on the trailer roof, and didn't hear me or the alarm. I am sure the neighbors did. Luckily I discovered the problem and the open door caused the fumes to dissapate before he ever got back. One of the towns we drove through was Dalhart, Texas.
We had lunch at a fuel stop in Hooker, Oklahoma.
The Wizard of Oz was one of my favorites, along with all of its sequels, back when we were only allowed to check out six books from the Tucson Public Library (the only one in Tucson being downtown). I am sure I read them faster than we got back to exchange our books.
Glad to report that Greensburg is really doing lots better than the last time we drove through.
Finally we reached our destination--Pratt, a place we stayed several years ago. There is a motel here, as well as a bomb shelter. As soon as we got the broken glass cleaned up (I left my glass on the counter after lunch), we headed to Walmart for yogurt and a water filter, then came back to try and cool off. The ice machine helped too!